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Week 1 23.03.2020

FS2 Timetable 






Read through your spellings and look for the special friends ay.

Read through one of your school reading books.

Ask a grown up to ask you some questions about it.

Practise your spellings using look, cover, write, check.

 Tell someone about what happens in your reading book without opening it.

Ask a grown up to test you on your spellings. Write them in your red book.

Go on a shape hunt around your house to find and name 2d (circle, square, triangle, rectangle) and 3d (cylinder, cone, cube, sphere) shapes.

Draw a shape picture using objects from around the house.

EducationCity – My Homework – Nine Lives - 2d shapes.

Log in with your username and password that are in the front of your red book.

 Write numbers 1,2,3,4,56,7,8,9,10 in the right order in your red book.

 Choose an activity from your home learning pack to complete.

Show a grown up how you can rhyme. Say these words and other words that rhyme…

pig, big….

cat, hat…

dog, log…

pin, bin…

Can you think of any others?

Show a grown up how you can rhyme. Say these words and other words that rhyme…

pig, big….

cat, hat…

dog, log…

pin, bin…

Can you think of any others?

 Use your red book to write a list of rhyming words that you practised on Monday and Tuesday.

 EducationCity – My Homework – A Day by the Bay.

 Draw a picture to show something that you have enjoyed doing this week.

Use your phonics to write some words about your picture.


Spellings - special friends 'ay'






You can contact me at my email address if you would like any help or advice with any of the activities that have been set. I will try my best to reply to you as quickly as possible-please be patient smiley


Please stay safe and well
