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Wednesday - On a Wednesday Maths homework is to be handed in when children arrive at school. The new homework be given out that day to then be collected the following Wednesday.


Thursday -On Thursday children hand in their reading diary when they arrive at school or when requested later in the day. Reading homework is to read to someone twice a week and to have their diary signed. You may also use this book for any other correspondence as they are looked at most days.


Friday - On Friday children need to have their spelling book in school.  They will take a spelling test in the back of their book and new spellings are provided for the following week. 

They can receive 20 Wellians by completing this homework and learning their spellings!


Rewards - Every piece of homework that is completed will receive 10 Wellians. Every time extra reading is noted in their school diary, over the mandatory twice a week, children will be awarded with an extra Wellian.


Homework is not set during school holidays


Any questions or queries about homework please ask and we will be happy to explain further.
