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Week beginning 5.1.21






Spelling practise.


Please log into the daily phonics lessons on YouTube. Your child should watch the speed sound set 2 lessons and the red word lessons



All- Listen to the story of The 3 Little Pigs


Talk about why the pigs houses were different and how they stopped the wolf from getting in to the thirds little pigs house.

All- Listen to the story of The 3 Little Pigs again.


Look at the text map below. Make your own text map for the story or use the one below to help you retell the story in your own words. (Remember we did this with the story of The 3 Billy Goats Gruff)

All- Use your text map to retell the story and try to put actions to your story.


Please ask your grown up to listen to your story. If they have time they could film you telling the story and send it to me by email.


Year 1- Page 84 and 85 of purple Maths book.


FS2- Play the 5 little ducks song on Education City. Complete the number bonds sheet below.

Year 1- Page 86 and 87 of purple Maths book.


FS2- Number bonds to 5 adding machine worksheet.

Year 1- Page 88 and 89 of purple Maths book.


FS2- Complete the number bond sheet. Use your cubes to investigate all the ways of making each total using number bonds.


We are going to be doing a study of where we live. Look out of your window and draw a picture of everything you can see.

Go for a walk around where you live and complete the observation sheet for what you see. You could also play ‘I spy’ with your grown up to spot even more.

Join in with some Supermovers videos. Get moving and have some fun!

The 3 Little Pigs story map
