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Foundation Subjects

Our topic for Summer term 2


The science topic is classification. The children will learn to identify animals using classification keys and create classification keys. The children will learn to group vertebrates and invertebrates based on their characteristics. As part of this topic the children will learn about how humans can cause change to an environment and the impact of litter on animals and their habitats.















The geography topic is based on map work. The children will name the regions of England and locate the major cities. They will also locate the counties in England and use compass points to describe locations. The children will locate places on a map and understand how to use four figure grid references.











In art the children will find out about the artist George Seurat and explore how to create art in the style of pointillism. They will create their own piece of pointillism artwork. 









The PSHE topic this term is about drug education. The children will start by identifying medicines that we need and distinguish between safe and harmful substances. They will learn to assess risk and understand that people have different attitudes to risks. They will recognise how to make informed, responsible choices.



The children will continue to learn French using the new Language Angels scheme of learning. Their French topic this term is called Au salon de thé. The topic is named at the tearoom and the children will learn to name items of food and drink that they would order at a French tearoom and learn how to order food and drink items and pay for them. 




In Computing the children will be learning to create branching databases using the Purple Mash program. 













The children's RE topic this half term is what do we learn from religions about deciding what is right and wrong? The children will learn how people decide what is right and wrong without God's help. They will learn what religious stories tell believers about temptations. The children will understand how religious teachings help to affect people's actions.



In music the children will listen and appraise music linked to different styles. They will continue to learn the glockenspiel and learn to understand music.
