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We offer a nurturing learning environment in which each child is encouraged to develop their full potential and where their achievements and successes are celebrated and rewarded. At Whitwell Primary School, we believe that children are all individuals and therefore, we aim to encourage mutual respect, responsibility and foster self-esteem in a happy and caring atmosphere. The teaching and learning of PSHE and RSE supports and upholds this vision.

PSHE deals with the diverse beliefs, values and attitudes that individuals and societies hold. It helps pupils to develop themselves, their understanding of the world, and their ability to communicate their feelings. PSHE helps children to acquire British values and attitudes which are necessary if they are to make sense of their experiences within school and life itself, value themselves, respect others, appreciate differences and diversity and feel confident and informed as a British citizen.

We prepare pupils for puberty, and give them an understanding of sexual development and the importance of health and hygiene, and how to be safe within the community, the wider world and online.  We create a positive culture around relationships and sexuality.



At Whitwell Primary School we use the EYFS curriculum, the National Curriculum and Derbyshire’s recommended scheme of work, which we have purchased, called ‘PSHE Matters’.

We follow PSHE Matters (updated Summer 2021) which is delivered throughout school on a two year rolling programme. This scheme of work follows the three core areas of Health and Well-Being, Relationships and Living in the Wider World and also supports the RSE policy. The scheme of work fulfils the requirements of the 2020 Statutory Relationships and Health Education, setting these learning intentions in the context of a broad and balanced PSHE curriculum.


A progression of skills throughout the year groups ensures that children are given the opportunity to revisit and review previous learning, while systematically building upon these skills to keep them moving forward in their learning.


Through whole school activities, and cross curricular opportunities, PSHE is present throughout all year groups. Walking through the school, it is evident that all students at Whitwell Primary School have a strong sense of pride and respect for one another, which is a value we hold closely. We aim to ensure that all learners have the opportunity to express themselves, talk about relevant matters, learn without judgement and belong to a school where bullying does not exist. These opportunities for learning are done in safe space of discussion led lessons and whole school activities.  

We also recognise that PSHE does not always need to be taught within a designated PSHE lesson and that it can be applied through our usual daily practices such as assemblies, school clubs, break times, nurture and intervention groups as well as through other curriculum subjects.

We stay up to date with PSHE curriculum expectations, and attend relevant training to ensure that our students receive the most relevant high quality teaching.



Within PSHE and RSE we strive to instil an appreciation and enjoyment to enrich the children’s learning experience and to prepare pupils for with skills for life in the wider world. Children are enabled to develop their vocabulary and confidence needed to articulate their thoughts and feelings openly, trust and respect, to learn, recognise and manage their own wellbeing needs and know how and when they can seek the support of others. Our PSHE and RSE curriculum demonstrates academic progression and development as well as helping to build confidence and self-esteem.


We measure the impact of our curriculum in a variety of ways;


  • Pupil discussions about their work and what they have learnt.
  • Pupil self-assessment techniques and strategies to enable them to assess their own knowledge and skills and for them to reflect on their learning.
  • Learning walks and observations and assessment of the children’s work.
  • Class books – Practical and class discussions to be evidenced in a big book. This will remind children of what they have covered previously, be a focal point of discussion and provide assessment opportunities. Class books may contain photographs, children’s work, thought bubbles, post-it notes, teacher notes and annotations.
  • Book scrutiny – by the subject leader in order to monitor the content of teaching and quality of work.
  • Planning to evidence the delivery and the sequence of lessons.
  • Pupil progress to be monitored and used to inform teaching and to be shared between year groups upon transition.
  • EYFS children are assessed termly against the Development Matters statements for PSED and then against the Early Learning Goal at the end of Foundation Stage 2.  Ongoing observations throughout the EYFS are recorded on Tapestry and shared with parents.



Through implementing the above children will;

  • retain prior and build on new knowledge of PSHE and RSE
  • understand and apply subject specific vocabulary
  • will have respect for themselves and for others
  • understand healthy relationships and will have the skills to develop these both now and in the future


Curriculum Impact is measured by pupil voice, soft impact, planning, monitoring of displays, lesson learning walks, and discussions with all stakeholders, i.e. pupils, parents and staff. Especially where RHE is concerned, our priority is ensuring that all parents understand and can support their children at home, in the hope of extending and building on the learning children do at school. Parents are consulted on and have a voice in how and what their children learn. Since PSHE is a unique subject, we make sure that success in this area comes through open lines of communication between all members involved. Observing the happiness and health of all students is ultimately our number one priority.
