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At Whitwell Primary School, we believe that our History provision should not only inspire pupils to have curiosity and wonder about the world around them, but also should motivate them to explore further and deepen their understanding of the world.


In History, pupils are encouraged to investigate and ask enquiring questions in order to broaden and develop their perspectives. They will learn about how society has changed over time and the key events that have shaped the lives they live today.


They will participate in a practical topic-based curriculum, which incorporates access to real artefacts and visits to relevant sites of historical significance. Through a broad and balanced Humanities curriculum, the children are equipped to view the world with tolerance, respect and a deeper understanding of the many diverse societies of the world.


At Whitwell Primary School, we believe that our History curriculum should not only be accessible to all and provide an enriching and motivating learning experience but should inspire pupils to have curiosity about the past and the world around them and motivate them to explore further and deepen their understanding.

We encourage pupils to build on previous learning and understand how to demonstrate their historical and chronological knowledge when learning about the events of the past and how these have shaped their lives today.



In order to fully realise our intent, we have:

  • A clear and progressive scheme of work in line with the National Curriculum that ensures the needs of all children are met
  • A scheme of work that puts an emphasis on an understanding of the chronology of historical events, the acquisition of knowledge and skills and a deeper understanding of historical vocabulary
  • Historical topic related Knowledge organisers that are shared with the children at the start of the topic and referred to throughout
  • Opportunities for enrichment using artefacts, local sites of historical significance and visitors to share knowledge and personal experiences
  • Opportunities for children to investigate and ask enquiring questions, research and explain their findings in a range of ways



At the end of the year, all pupils will have gained a deepening of their understanding of chronology, historical vocabulary and the various ways in which we can find out about the past. This will encourage curiosity about History, which allows them to then deepen and broaden their knowledge and understanding by exploring their own lines of enquiry and key events, people or places that have awakened their interest in this area.
