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At Whitwell Primary School, we believe that our Geography provision should not only inspire pupils to have curiosity and wonder about the world around them, but also should motivate them to explore further and deepen their understanding of the world.


In Geography pupils will develop a sound knowledge of both human and physical features the world over and how these impact people and the environments they live in.


They will participate in a practical topic-based curriculum, which incorporates access to real artefacts and visits to relevant sites with geographical significance. Through a broad and balanced Humanities curriculum, the children are equipped to view the world with tolerance, respect and a deeper understanding of the many diverse societies of the world.


At Whitwell Primary School, we believe that our Geography curriculum should provide a sound knowledge of both human physical features the world over and how these affect people and the environments they live in. It should promote a love and appreciation not only of their local environment and community but also of the wider world around them and the unique places and people and how they live. It should address stereotypes and give a balanced view of the world.

In addition to this, they will further develop their knowledge, skills and understanding of geographical concepts using a wide range of resources and technology to support and help explain their findings.



In order to implement our intent, we will provide

  • A planned geography curriculum that focuses on progressive skills and knowledge, including locational knowledge, place knowledge, human and physical geography, and geographical skills and fieldwork
  • A breadth of opportunities for enrichment
  • A scheme of work that focuses on specific and relevant knowledge, skills and vocabulary
  • A curriculum  that meets the needs of all pupils
  • A scheme of work in line with the National Curriculum
  • A wide variety of secondary resources to develop knowledge and understanding, including atlases, text books, maps at a range of scales, digital technology, photographs and artefacts
  • A deeper understanding of their local environment through locality studies



Through implementing the above curriculum our children will develop an enjoyment of geography and will be inquisitive and curious about the world around them. They will feel confident to access information using a range of sources and be able to ask and answer geographical questions and work collaboratively to research and problem solve, explaining their processes in relation to a real life context.

This in turn will help children to gain a wider perspective of real world implications and see how they are not only citizens within their local community but citizens of the world.



Geographers at work!
