Mrs Draycott & Mrs Williams
Welcome to Nursery 
Wheels, wheels, wheels
We have had a fantastic couple of weeks learning about 'wheels'.
Click on the link below to see photos and our amazing 'bring your bike to school' day.
We aim to be one big family where our priority is to ensure that all the children feel safe and happy, within a calm and nurturing environment.
We have places for 26 children during our morning and afternoon sessions with a dedicated outdoor space overlooking the large school grounds that surrounds the school.
Our sessions times are:
- Morning session 8:40am-11:40am
- Afternoon session 12:20pm-3:20pm
- Full time session 8:40am-2:40pm
Nursery Prospectus
Please click on the link below to read the Nursery prospectus for this school year.
Playing together and learning together 2022 to 2023
We love to take photographs of the children while they are at nursery - playing and learning together.
Click on the links to the left of the page to see pictures of the children trying all the different activities during the year.
The Early Years Foundation Stage
We believe that the children's time at school should be a nurturing and enjoyable experience in which they are able to discover, explore and create in a secure and happy environment.
The children learn through a mixture of planned and child-initiated play activities.
We follow the guidance given in the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (2021) and also plan activities to take into account the children’s differing interests, needs and abilities.
The guide 'What to expect in the EYFS Foundation Stage: a guide for parents' explains in detail how the children play and learn during their time in Nursery.
Please follow the link below to access the booklet.
A guide to the stages of pencil grip for children in the Early Years Foundation Stage
Please click the link below for PE curriculum coverage for the year.
We subscribe to 'Tapestry', an online learning journal which parents and carers can access from home.
Through this app, we are able to share your child's learning at school with you.
You are then able to add comments to your child's work, as well as add information about what your child has been doing at home.
The children love sharing their home learning with their friends and the grown ups at school.
Please speak to Mrs Draycott or Mrs Williams about setting up your Tapestry account.
Any questions
If you have any worries or questions we are available to speak to at the beginning or end of each session, or you can telephone school to make an appointment (01909 720251)
You can also email
Mrs Draycott at: