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Miss Sleight

Welcome to Foundation Stage 2/Reception

Daisy Class


Times of the Day

We open our doors at 8.40am.

School starts at 8.45am.

Home time is 3.15pm

(we open our door a little earlier so we can speak to you if we need to).


P.E. days are Mondays and Thursdays.

Please make sure your child is dressed in their P.E. kit on these days. 

P.E. kit is a plain, white t-shirt, navy blue or black shorts or jogging bottoms, navy blue or black sweatshirt or hoodie and trainers.

The Early Years Foundation Stage

We believe that your children's time at school should be a nurturing and enjoyable experience in which they are able to play, discover, explore and create in a safe and happy environment.

Your children will learn through a mixture of adult-planned and child-initiated play activities and experiences and build on the knowledge they bring from their homes and communities.

We take into account children's differing interests, needs and abilities.

The guide 'What to expect in the EYFS Foundation Stage: a guide for parents' explains in detail how the children play and learn during their time with us. Please follow the link below to access the booklet.

In Early Years, we subscribe to Tapestry, which is an online learning journal which parents and carers can access from home. Through this app, we are able to share your child's learning at school with you.

You are then able to  add comments to your child's photos, as well as add information about what your child has been doing at home.

The children love sharing their journal with their friends and the grown ups at school. 

Contact me...

If you have any questions or worries, we are available to speak to at the beginning and end of each day, or you can telephone school to make an appointment - 01909 720251.

You can also email Miss Sleight at: