Reading Homework
Reading homework is checked on a Friday morning. Children are expected to read 10 pages twice a week. Children need to have their reading diary signed by an adult at home. Children will earn 10 wellians for completed reading homework. If children have not read 2 times in a week by Friday they will have to stay in at break time and read.
Spelling Homework
Spelling homework is handed in on Friday morning. New spellings will be given out the same day. Children need to practise each spelling 2 times and write their spellings into 5 sentences. Children need to complete their spelling homework in their spelling homework book. Children will earn 10 wellians for completed spelling homework. Children will have to stay in and complete their spelling homework on Friday break time if they have not completed it.
Maths Homework
Maths homework is handed in on Thursday morning. New maths homework will be given out on Thursday. Children will earn 10 wellians for completed maths homework and will be given until Friday to complete it. Children will have to stay in on Friday to complete it at break time if they have not done it at home. Maths homework will be given in a maths homework folder and will support children's mathematics learning in school.