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Mrs Plaister Year 4

Welcome back

Primrose Class


We are very lucky at Whitwell to have such amazing grounds, and our children get to use these daily.

We ask that children bring in a pair of wellies (labelled) and leave them in school each term.


PE is NOW on:

On Friday your child needs to come in indoor PE kit which consists of plain white T-shirt, shorts or leggings/joggers (black or blue), black trainers and a black or blue jumper or cardigan (could be school jumper). (See detail in letter from the Headteacher).

TUESDAY will be our SWIMMING session. FRIDAY will be our GYMNASTIC session.


If you have any questions or wish to discuss anything then you are able to call the school office and leave a message and I will get back to you.  Alternatively, you may send a message to and I will reply as soon as possible.

Thank you,

Mrs Plaister