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Foundation Subjects


As scientists, this term the children will be learning about Rocks, Soils and Fossils. They will learn to recognise that living things can be grouped in a variety of ways and explore classification keys to help group, identify and name a variety of living things in their local and wider environment. We are all very excited about our forthcoming trip to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park on the 15th July!


We will undertake a field Study on our local area. We aim to understand geographical similarities and differences through the study of human and physical geography. We will use fieldwork to observe, measure record and present the human and physical features in the local area using a range of methods, including sketch maps, plans and graphs, and digital technologies. 


The children will find out about one of the great female artists of the 20th century, Sonia Delaunay. They will look at the artist’s early life, who and what she was influenced by, and how she developed her own distinctive style of art. They will explore how Sonia Delaunay branched out into the fashion world, and the legacy she left behind.


The children will be writing for different audiences. They will explore how font size and style can affect the impact of a text. Learn to use a simulated scenario to produce a news report and write for a community campaign. 


Bullying Matters

The children will learn to understand that their actions affect themselves and others. They will know how to recognise bullying and abuse in all its forms. We will develop strategies for getting support for themselves or for others at risk.  They will learn the consequences of discrimination, teasing, bullying and aggressive behaviour (including cyberbullying, prejudice-based language, ‘trolling’). 


In class

By the end of this unit the children will have the knowledge and skills to present both orally and in written form about what they have and do not have in their pencil cases and/or school bag in French.


The topic is ‘Opening night’. The children are to create and present a performance with an understanding of the songs and where they fit in the world.


How and why do believers show their commitment during the journey of life?

The children will learn about:

  • What does a journey mean to us?
  • What is the significance of Baptism to Christians?
  • How do Jewish people mark becoming an adult?
  • What ceremonies do Hindus mark in the journey of life?
  • Why do people choose to get married?
  • Are all journeys similar? Can we compare the journeys of Christians, Jewish people and Hindus?