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English and Maths

In English, we teach reading and writing across a range of genres. This term these will include reading and playscripts and myths and legends.

Writing will continue to link to topic work, including History, PSCHE and Science.

Grammar is taught as an integral part of English sessions. Although there will be more grammar teaching this term to recap concepts taught in Y3 and Y4. Spellings are taught on Monday, practised during the week and are tested on Friday.

In Maths, we use Power Maths in Year 5 and 6. 

This term, the Year 6 children will work on percentages, perimeter, area and volume, 2D and 3D shape and angles. Year 5 will work on decimals and percentages, perimeter and area and graphs and tables.

We will continue with Times Table Olympics in school each week. It is essential that your child has quick recall of these tables, as they underpin so much of the work that we are doing. The children can log onto Times Table Rockstars and practise at home.

Guardians of Mathematica is a fun game to work on all areas of Maths. Click the picture to follow the link.

Times Tables Olympics will continue in school and will be completed weekly. It is vital the children continue to learn their tables. Don't forget that there are games that they can play at home using Education City and Times Table Rock Stars. The children have individual log-ins.